Friday, 21 November 2014

TaTa Dada

The Real Life and Celestial Adventures of Tristan Tzara       

The MIT Press, 2014



Tristan Tzara, one of the most important figures in the twentieth century’s most famous avant-garde movements, was born Samuel Rosenstock (or Samueli Rosenstok) in a provincial Romanian town, on April 16 (or 17, or 14, or 28) in 1896. Tzara became Tzara twenty years later at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, when he and others (including Marcel Janco, Hugo Ball, Richard Huelsenbeck, and Hans Arp) invented Dada with a series of chaotic performances including multilingual (and nonlingual) shouting, music, drumming, and calisthenics. Within a few years, Dada (largely driven by Tzara) became an international artistic movement, a rallying point for young artists in Paris, New York, Barcelona, Berlin, and Buenos Aires. With TaTa Dada, Marius Hentea offers the first English-language biography of this influential artist.
As the leader of Dada, Tzara created “the moment art changed forever.” But, Hentea shows, Tzara and Dada were not coterminous. Tzara went on to publish more than fifty books; he wrote one of the great poems of surrealism; he became a recognized expert on primitive art; he was an active antifascist, a communist, and (after the Soviet repression of the Hungarian Revolution) a former communist. Hentea offers a detailed exploration of Tzara’s early life in Romania, neglected by other scholars; a scrupulous assessment of the Dada years; and an original examination of Tzara’s life and works after Dada. The one thing that remained constant through all of Tzara’s artistic and political metamorphoses, Hentea tells us, was a desire to unlock the secrets and mysteries of language. [text publisher]

Monday, 30 June 2014

Hugo Ball Almanach 2014

Studien und Texte zu Dada
Neue Folge 5, 2014

ed. by Eckhard Faul for the
City of Pirmasens and the Hugo-Ball-Gesellschaft.
Published by edition text + kritik, Munich

Contents 5 (2015)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Hans Richter Encounters – “From Dada till today”

Hans Richter
Berliner Festspiele
Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin
27 March to 30 June 2014

The oeuvre of Hans Richter (1888-1976) spanned nearly seven decades. Born in Berlin, he was one of the most significant champions of modernism. Berlin, Paris, Munich, Zurich, Moscow and New York were the major stations of his life. He was a painter and draughtsman, a Dadaist and a Constructivist, a film maker and a theoretician, as well as a great teacher. His great scroll collages remain icons of art history to this day. His work is characterised by a virtually unparalleled interpenetration of different artistic disciplines. The link between film and art was his major theme. Many of the most famous artists of the first half of the twentieth century were among his friends.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Dada-Archive donated to Museum Dr8888, the Netherlands

Dutch writer and art-critic K. Schippers donated his Dada archive to the Museum  Dr8888 in Drachten, the Netherlands. The museum is specialized in Dutch Dada. The archive consists of letters, clippings and photographs of Dutch Dada artists as Paul Citroen, Otto van Rees, Hendrik Werkman and the brothers Thijs and Evert Rinsema. The material was collected for his book Holland Dada, published in 1974. The museum plans to digitize the archive.

The donation will be part of the exhibition 'Holland Dada' and on view from April 12 to June 1, 2014 in Museum Dr8888.